Saturday, January 28, 2012

Childhood anxiety

Have you had your child cry when you leave him at school?  That is what my youngest son does to me, but it did not happen till first grade.  When he was in kindergarten he did not do this, we had no problem dropping him off at school.  Then when he started at the new school on his first day he did not want me to leave.   I understand the first day anxiety, but then after a few months he started throwing up at lunch time for one week straight.  I don't know if he was afraid of someone at school or if he just does not want to be separated from either me or his grandma.
You see my mom helps out at the school and she does the volunteering in his classes.  So this may have lead to him always expecting Grandma to be there.  So, what we did was tell him that he is a big boy now and he has to learn to be at school or else he will not learn for his future.  However, it still would happen and he would throw up at lunch time.   I know that I can not ignore this because it can affect how he is growing up.
So, I looked it up online to see what causes this anxiety and what are the symptoms that a child will give.  Sure enough, it would be stomachaches, throwing up, headaches, and nausea.
I wanted to learn more about how i can ease my childs anxiety and find out what can be causing this type of symptom he is having and I found this: Click Here!
I have learned that it could have been due to an event that happened in our lives.  The event could be that his father and I both are divorced that may have lead to his anxiety or it could be something else.
This program has helped me learn ways to help my child and not just ignore it.  It allowed me to save money on therapists!
Now my son can go to school without looking at me with his puppy dog eyes and holding my hand so tightly.  He seems fine, but then again it has only been several weeks.  I hope he keeps it up!

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